Golla, S. (2011): Corporate Venture Capital – Dimensionen und Einflussfaktoren der Austauschbeziehung, Harland Media, Lichtenberg
Holi, M; Golla, S. (2010): Expectations and Fulfillment in Business Angel Investments; Babson Center for Entrepreneurship Research Conference 2010, Lausanne
Golla, S. (2009): Impact of Inter-Organizational Relation of Start-ups’ Ressource Acquisition. Paper; presented at AGSE Conference, Adelaide, 03-06.02.2009
Golla, S. (2008): Success Factors of Corporate Venture Capital Relations. Paper presented at AGSE, doctoral consortium at Swinbourne University of Technology, Melbourne
Golla, S. et.al. (2008): The Survival of Venture Capital Backed and Independent Internet and e-Commerce Ccompanies. In Oakey, R. New Technology-Based Firms In The New Millenium Volume V, pp. 145 –160, Elsevier
Bednarczyk, T., Golla, S., Klandt, H. (2006): Berücksichtigung von Unsicherheiten bei der Business Plan Erstellung: Theoretische Konzepte und praktische Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von Simulationsrechnungen, in: Finanz Betrieb,Jg. 8, pp.56-62
Johann, T., Golla, S., Klandt, H. (2006): Corporate Venture Capital – A Survival Analysis of Portfolio Companies. Paper presented at Babson Conference, Babson
Golla, S., Holi, M., Klandt, H. (2005): Kernkompetenzen im Innovationsnetzwerk, in: Venture Capital, pp. 52-53
Golla, S., Kramer, S., Klandt, H. (2005): Venture Leasing as an Alternative Source of Financing for High Technology Small Firms – An Explorative Empirical Study Among German High Technological, Leasing and Venture Capital Companies. In: During, W., Oakey, R., Kauser, S. (Ed.) New Technology-Based Firms in the New Millennium Volume IV, Elsevier Oxford, pp. 133-147
Holi, M., Golla, S. (2005): Förderung nachhaltigen Wirtschaftens, in: Ökologisches Wirtschaften
Chlosta, S., Golla, S., Klandt, H. (2005): Personality Traits and Entrepreneurial Orientation. An Assessment of the Heckhausen Model. Paper presented at G-Forum Conference, Jena
Golla, S. et.al. (2005): Venture Capital und Überlebenswahrscheinlichkeit, in: Finanz Betrieb, 4/2005, pp 277-287
Golla S. et.al. (2005): Gründungsneigung Studierender – Eine empirische Untersuchung in Deutschland und der Schweiz, in: Jahrbuch Entrepreneurship 2005/06, pp. 209-238, Springer Berlin
Golla, S., Johann, T., Klandt, H., Krafft, L. (2005): The survival of venture capital backed an independent internet and e-commerce companies, paper presented at High Technology Small Firm (HTSF) Conference, Manchester
Halter, F, Fueglistaller, U., Golla, S. (2005):The Influence of Family Businesses on the Personality and Career Choice Motives for Students, paper presented at Ifera Conference, Barcelona
Holi, M.; Krafft, L., Golla, S. Klandt H., (2004): Venture Capital Gesellschaften in Deutschland, in: Jahrbuch Entrepreneurship 2004/05, Springer Berlin
Holi, M. Golla S., Klandt, H. (2003): Strategies When Using A Business Simulation Game, in: Internationalizing Entrepreneurship Education and Training (InEnt), Eul Verlag Lohmar, pp. 46-54
Golla S. et. al. (2003): Entrepreneurial Orientation of German Students, in: Internationalizing Entrepreneurship Education and Training (InEnt), Eul Verlag Lohmar, pp. 175-187
Golla, S., Kleinschmidt, M (2002): Corporate Venture Capital-A win-win-Strategy? Paper presented at EISB Conference CERAM, Nice
Golla, S., Kramer, S. (2002): Venture Leasing as an Alternative Source of Financing of High Technology Based Firms, paper presented at: HTSF Conference, Manchester